On the occasion of the 27th Session of the Human Rights Council, the Permanent Missions of Argentina, France, Morocco and Switzerland, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, invite you to the side event
“The promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence: Experiences on implementation”
Monday 15 of September 2014,
Palais de Nations, Room XXIII, Geneva
Opening remarks:
Ms. Flavia Pansieri, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Panel on International actions and normative developments to promote Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence:
- Mrs. Estela de Carlotto, President of “Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo”.
- Mr. Pablo de Greiff, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence.
- Mr. Ariel Dulitzky, President of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.
- Mr. Emmanuel Decaux, President of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances.
- Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Interministerial Delegate in charge of Human Rights, Kingdom of Morocco.
- Mrs. Mona Rishmawi, Chief of Rule of Law, Equality and Non Discrimination, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Amb. Alberto D’Alotto, Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic
Amb. Urs Schmidt, Deputy Permanent Representative of Switzerland
Interpretation into Spanish and English
Refreshments and light snacks will be provided from 13:15